Monday, April 13, 2015

2007 Dating the Arrival of Man to America

Dating the Arrival of Man to America
Christopher S. Turner
note: some figures are missing

        Beginning with 19th century archaeological finds in the United States, the peopling of the Americas has been an issue of interest for anthropologists and researchers. Putnam and Abbot's 1876 discovery of lithic tools in the gravels of the Delaware River near Trenton, New Jersey; or the 1844 excavation of “Dr. Dowler's Red Indian” from 16 feet below the streets of New Orleans, Louisiana, seemed to indicate a considerable time depth to the presence of Indians in the New World (Dillehay and Meltzer, 1991:1; Neuman, 1984:17).
        Thinkers as long ago as President Jefferson had suggested that Native Americans may have entered North America via the area of the Bering Strait (Milner, 2004:15). Beginning in the 1830s, the Frenchman Jacques Boucher de Perthes undertook excavations in the Somme River Valley, the results of which first demonstrated the indisputable association of the remains of extinct large mammals with prehistoric tools made by man (Grayson, 1984:25). It was not until 1932-3, with the discovery in the state of New Mexico of the remains of Pleistocene megafauna in context with lithic tools , that  physical evidence emerged consistent with an ancient occupation of the Americas by members of the human race (Haynes, 2002:57).
        With the advent of radiocarbon dating circa 1950, such Paleoindian finds became datable in a non-relative manner, and it subsequently became de rigueur in archaeology to place the entry of humans into the Americas at about 12,000 to 13,000 years before present, just prior to the beginning of the Holocene epoch. This was the beginning of the so-called Clovis Era, named after the town of Clovis, New Mexico, proximate to the archaeological site that yielded Paleoindian lithics and Pleistocene faunal remains found in incontrovertible association. 
        Although radiocarbon dated Clovis sites proved that humans were occupying the Americas by the end of the Pleistocene, it was impossible to suggest when they had first arrived. There were surely no ancient archaeological sites that yielded evidence of the evolution of Homo in the Americas, but when exactly did anatomically modern humans get here?
        Some of the past efforts aimed at dating human entry into the New World included the use of glottochronology. Such models sought to use lexicographies from various languages, comparing them with putative parental forms from which subsequent daughter variants developed or evolved. This method was well suited to dating the entry of humans into the Americas: groups who migrated here from Asia would be removed from the parental language stock, so that differentiation of their words would occur in an isolated manner, analogous to genetic drift in physical anthropology. Linguists modeled the rate of change of the lexicography as the loss of about 19 words per 1000 years of separation from the parent language (Hoijer, 1956).  In other words, after 1000 years, 81% of tested lexemes should be cognate with the source tongue.
            Since 1960 and earlier, Joseph Greenberg had been attempting to use linguistics to date the peopling of the Americas. This effort reached its acme with the 1986 publication of a paper which attempted to combine the efforts of linguistic, dental, and genetic research (Greenberg, Turner, and Zegura, 1986). For better or worse, this paper marked the beginning of the use of DNA analysis in efforts to establish a chronology for the entry of humans into the Americas. Though earlier papers had used genetic markers to show links among various native American groups “no overall assessment of genetic relationships among North America, South America, and Asia was undertaken [whereby] the conventional perspective on the origin and evolution of aboriginal American diversity was challenged in 1986, when Greenberg, Turner, and Zegura published their three-migration hypothesis” (Szathmary,1993:793-4).
            Though this paper was immediately (Campbell 1986) and is still criticized , particularly for its reductionist categorization of linguistic groups, it is frequently cited in works on DNA analysis in regards to the peopling of the Americas (e.g. Monsalve et al 1999:2209). Even with such criticism, the model describing three waves of migration into the Americas is still used in its basic form: a most ecent influx of Aleut-Eskimo peoples, an earlier migration of the NaDene (the Athapaskan speakers), and finally the most ancient entry of the group broadly termed  the Amerinds (by Greenberg, Turner, and Zegura, 1986). 
Haplotypes, Haplogroups, and Mitochondrial DNA
            As demonstrated by geneticists, the chromosomes that encode for the replication of the cells in organisms are made up strands of DNA. Along these strands, the diverse arrangements of the DNA molecules form unique patterns that are specific to the design of the many cells needed to sustain functioning life. Groups of these alleles occur in particular arrangements at specific loci along the chromosomes. These individual patterns can be used as markers to distinguish one organism from another, analogous to the bar codes in use as price codes in markets today.
            When analyzing mitochondrial (or “mt”) DNA, researchers use particular enzymes called restriction endonucleases to cleave its molecular chain. These enzymes sever the mtDNA at specific “recognition sites”, isolating for study what are known as “restriction fragment length polymorphisms”, or RFLPs (Schurr 2002:62-64).
            RFLP characteristics for a given individual under study are what make up the so-called haplotype for the individual. Like grocery store bar codes, these haplotypes are unique and can be compared to those from other groups of individuals. Assemblages of given haplotypes as defined by RFLP analyses are called collectively haplogroups, or mtDNA lineages (Schurr, 2000:247).
            Polymorphisms that create unique haplotypes are found in both nuclear and mitochondrial  DNA. There are however advantages to using the mtDNA haplotypes as indices for tracking changes through time between given generations. Mitochondrial DNA mutates up to ten times faster than nuclear DNA, making it better suited to note changes on smaller time scales, such as those applicable to understanding the peopling of the Americas (Crawford, 1998:135). Also, mtDNA is easier to obtain from archaeological contexts and replicates more easily in the laboratory (Eshleman et al, 2003:7). Mitochondrial DNA, as the name implies, is from the mitochondria within cells of the body. It is in the form of a circular molecule made up of 16, 569 nucleotide pairs. Due to the mechanics of reproduction, mtDNA is passed on from mother to daughter with very little genetic contribution from the father. Because the mtDNA does not undergo genetic reshuffling, or meiosis, during reproduction, and because there is minimal recombination,  RFLPs are not hypervariable. (Bailliet et al 1994:27). Any mutations, deletions, or insertions of the mtDNA loop (Merriwether et al, 1995:412) are thought to be predictable at given modeled rates through time. This rate is estimated to be 33% change per one million years, or 1% per 30,300 years (Crawford 1998:138; Shields et al, 1993:552) (Stone and Stoneking (1998:1167) use a figure of 10.3% per million years). Hence, if a mtDNA sample from an individual can be compared to a putative parental component, not only can a proof of ancestry be obtained, but a time interval of separation between the two can be estimated.

Native American Haplogroups
            During the last 20 to 25 years, researchers have investigated the mtDNA from many Native American tribal groups in the Americas. Efforts are made to obtain DNA samples from individuals who are full bloods within their given ethnic group. Subsequent to the European colonization of the New World, gene flow has occurred with the effect of mixing Native American with both European and African genetic material. A strong presence of the European H,  J, K or African L haplogroups in Native American test subjects indicates genetic admixture, rendering such individuals non-ideal for studies concerned with developing a chronology of the prehistoric peopling of the Americas (Keyeux et al, 2002; Schurr, 2002; Torroni et al, 1993:581-582).  
            Gibbons (1993:312) credits Douglas Wallace's 1985 work as pioneering the mitochondrial studies that have focused on Native American prehistory (Wallace et al, 1985), while Merriwether et al (1995:411) cite Wallace and Torroni (1992) as having originated the now ubiquitous nomenclature for the founder haplogroups A, B, C, and D categories used to describe Native American genetic phylogenies. These and other molecular anthropologists have learned that virtually all Native American mtDNA is in one or more of these haplogroups. Subsequent study has shown that a fractional portion of genetic samples that have been tested, those which were often labeled “other”, are actually a rare minority haplogroup called type X (Merriwether et al 1995).
            Once researchers have collected a set of diverse and representative mtDNA samples from across the globe, then there are problems as to how to interpret such data. First, there is the matter of possible disruption and subsequent drift in the Native American gene pool subsequent to colonial epidemics and conquest (Stone and Stoneking 1998:1164). Secondly, there is the matter of mobility: it is impossible to compare the migration of one population to another population that may itself also be migrating. And thirdly, what may be the most problematic, concerns the mutation rate models used in interpreting the mtDNA data. The confidence intervals associated with these estimates are quite large (Figure 1). The modeling ratios themselves are generated from linguistic and archaeological data (Torroni et al, 1994:1161), and hence their accuracy can never supersede those sources, and is probably biased toward correlating with them. 
            Nonetheless, the geographic distribution patterns that emerge with worldwide mtDNA data are quite compelling. The Native American mtDNA gene pool for North, Central, and South America is made up of mixtures of the A, B, C, and D haplogroups, with less than 5 to near zero percent across New World populations possessing mtDNA of the fifth X lineage (Schurr, 2002; Torroni et al, 1994). This is also true of the pre-Columbian genetic data from the 700 year old Oneota Norris Farm site in Illinois (Stone and Stoneking 1998:1153), suggesting that colonial disruptions did not erase the mtDNA signature from the Native American population.      
            The haplogroups C and D are found to be distributed rather evenly throughout the New World (cf Schurr 2002; Merriwether et al 1995:421)(Figure 2). By comparison, the A and B haplogroups are clinally distributed (Meriwether 1995:418 ). Haplogroup A is concentrated toward northwestern Canada, while it is rare or absent in South American populations. In North America, the Na-dene populations are predominantly in the A haplogroup, interpreted as evidence of a separate migration vent for that linguistic group (Torroni et al, 1993a:578).
            Curiously, across the New World, the distribution for  haplogroup B is opposite that of A.  Haplogroup B is concentrated especially among Andean coastal regions in South America and is not common in North American populations (Figure 3). The exception is the southwestern Pueblo Indians, who have significant percentages of the B haplogroup mtDNA (Meriwether 1995:418; Schurr 2002:65).
            The widespread distribution across the New World of the C and D haplogroups is argued by some as evidence for a single migration of humans into the Americas (Merriwether et al, 1995, 1996; Schurr 2002:68). It is reasoned that the observed ubiquity of these haplogroups could not be achieved by various smaller migrations separated through time. The founder populations of any putative single migration would have already possessed significant genetic diversity from their parental populations in Siberia. 
            Three of the four haplogroups that characterize New World populations, A, C,  and D are found in northeast Asia and Siberia, though they are by no means the majority groups present there. Of the three, haplogroup C is the most common in Siberia, with eight of ten individuals sampled falling in this category. Haplogroup D is also rather common and widespread. Haplogroup A is limited to extreme northeast Asia and is concentrated toward northeast Siberia, where it was found in 80% of the Asiatic Eskimo people sampled. All Asiatic Eskimos sampled are in haplogroups A and D exclusively (Torroni et al, 1993a, 1993b).
            Haplogroup B is conspicuously absent in all Siberian and northeast Asian groups tested. It is strongly present in southeastern Asian populations including Samoans, Maoris, and Taiwanese, and generally throughout the Pacific Islands.  In the Americas, haplogroup B is concentrated along the Pacific coast of the Americas, and it decreases in frequency clinally from south to north in its distribution (Figures 2 and 3).
Prehistoric New World Founder Migrations
            Though there is no consensus amongst scientists today concerning the number of migrations that peopled the New World. The basic foundational model is still that of Greenberg et al (1986), the so-called three wave hypothesis. It holds that there was a  most recent influx of Aleut-Eskimo peoples, which was preceded by an earlier migration of the NaDene (the Athapaskan speakers), which itself was preceded by the migration of the group broadly termed  the Amerinds.  This last group is that associated with the initial peopling of the New World, viz: the Clovis or pre-Clovis occupation.
            The predominance of the A haplogroup among Na-Dene subjects supports a separate migration event for this group, keeping in line with the three wave migration model. The A haplogroup is not common in South America, perhaps also suggesting that the migration that introduced this haplogroup was a separate and ostensibly later event (Torroni et al, 1993a:563).
            The ubiquity of the C and D groups throughout the Americas earmarks them as representative of the earliest “Amerind” migration. The relatively greater dispersal of these haplogroups in the Americas suggest their greater time depth (Meriwether 1995:427).  
            The B haplogroup presents another problem, outside of the original purview of the three wave model. There are simply no populations in northern North American or in Siberia that possess the B haplogroup mtDNA. The putative route used to colonize prehistoric America , the greater Beringia area, does not amongst its modern populations contain any trace of this founder haplogroup.  A few researchers suggest that this migration may have followed a coastal route paralleling the Bering land bridge, but this does not explain why there are no populations of B haplogroup members along the west coast of North America. As Cann (1994:10) puts it “A coastal route in equilibrium along the entire Pacific Rim does not yet account for the geographic gradient that is seen in B lineage frequencies, which are highest always in the south.”  Cann broaches the topic of transoceanic travel having influenced the peopling of the Americas.  “Pacific voyagers could have contributed this lineage [B] separately to the Americas, without ever going through Beringia.” The New World distribution of haplogroup B excludes the regions of northern North America, and it is absent in Siberia. Furthermore, the B haplogroup is found on the west coast of South America and it is strongly present in Polynesia. Cann suggests that individuals from the Lapita cultural complex from circa 6000 BP could account for such “Remote Oceanic lineages” (Cann, 1994:10, Torroni 1993a:585).
Dating Human Migrations with mtDNA
            Mitochondrial DNA can be used to estimate the timing of migrations of humans into the Americas. Changes between New World and Siberian mtDNA samples can be compared, and the quantity of change in the mtDNA can be noted. A rate of change through time must be assumed to convert such data into years BP. In actual practice, a range of conversion ratios are examined. For instance, Szathmary (1993:797) refers to  “using the more commonly employed mutation rate of 2%-4%  / million years”. As noted earlier, other researchers mention mutation rates of  33%  per one million years (Crawford 1998:138; Shields et al, 1993:552), while Stone and Stoneking (1998:1167) use a figure of 10.3% per million years.
            The confidence intervals on these data span a considerable duration (Figures 1 and 4), and assumptions or overly confident assertions based on this range of uncertainty have been criticized (Gibbons 1993). Using the combined Native American mtDNA data for haplogroups A, C, and D, Torroni et al (1994:1162) obtain  an averaged entry date with a range from 25,707 to 33,939 YBP.  They calculate the entry date separately for haplogroup B as it genetically appears to be a later, more recent migration (Figure 1). There is some ambiguity as to the actual geographic location of founder groups during the genetic bottlenecks or fissionings accounted for by these data. It is possible that some bands separated from parent populations while still in Siberia, so that haplotype derived dates may refer to pre-migration events that occurred in Siberia, rather than to the Beringian migration itself. Some data run counter to this notion and suggest that there is sufficient variation between the Siberian and American gene pools to confirm their independent development over a prolonged period (Torroni et al, 1994:604).
            Also perhaps indicative of time depth in the Americans is what Torroni et al (1993a:584) refer to as the “tribalization process”.  The researchers found that individual tribes have mutations in their mtDNA that are unique to only their group.  These are called  “private polymorphisms”, and according to the authors  they indicate that “there was an early and rapid population radiation followed by tribal isolation and localized differentiation [implying] that tribal linguistic boundaries have been quite effective barriers to gene flow”.
            Genetics is still a relatively new technique for unraveling the history of the human species. Its use in demonstrating a chronology for the peopling of the Americas will likely prove invaluable in the long run. The data are still not robust enough however to convince all of the “Clovis first” camp of any migration earlier than that suggested by the lithics record. This is with good reason. Contemporary articles will print widely divergent figures based on essentially the same mtDNA data. For instance, Figure 4 shows estimated migration / entry dates for the four main founder haplogroups from Stone and Stoneking (1998). They differ appreciably from those in Figure 1 from Torroni et al (1994). Haplogroup B is the most recent set of dates in Figure 1, whereas haplogroup C migration is the most recent in Figure 4. Such divergent results cannot inspire great confidence.
            However, in general the data do seem to confirm the long held idea that Native American ancestors emigrated to the New World from northeast Asia. Also, there is a notable lack of European or African mtDNA in the American samples. The unusual geographic distribution of the haplogroup B suggests that the Beringia route was probably not the only port of entry for the ancient colonists to the New World. The data for haplogroup B seem to suggest some sort of transoceanic contact, but that this occurred more recently than the primary and oldest Amerind migrations.
            The model posited by Greenberg et al (1986) which seeks to tie linguistic groups to mtDNA haplogroups seems to be at least partially confirmed. This is in regard to the strong association of the haplogroup A with the Na-Dene peoples, speakers of the Athapaskan dialects. The strong clinal positive correlation of the A haplogroup with the northern latitudes of North America also suggests a discrete and more recent entry for the NaDene from northeast Asia.

Figure 1. Estimated dates of haplogroup separation from Siberian source. Note the wide confidence intervals. Based on a mutation rate of 0.029-0.022% per 10,000 years, from Torroni et al (1994:1161, fig. 4).

Figure 3. Presence of haplogroup B indicated by black coloring in bars.
            From Torroni et al (1993b:604, fig 5).

Figure 4. Estimated dates for the four founder haplogroups entering the New World.
            Two different rates of mutation are employed.
            From Stone and Stoneking (1998:1166, table 6).


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